Hi girls! Thought I would pop on really quick to share how I take care of my lips. I’ve been getting a lot of questions about the Sleeping Lip Mask that I use and if it really works. So,  I thought you may find this helpful to have information about it and the other items I use in my daily routine all in one place. Scroll down to see my favorite lip products and why I love them!




S L E E P I N G   L I P   M A S K

I love this sleeping lip mask. I use it every night and sometimes in the day if my lips need a little extra hydration boost. This product is packed full of antioxidants and vitamin C. It creates a barrier to lock in the moisture. I also love that it helps to reduce fine lines so in the morning your lips feel a little more plump!



K O P A R I   G L O S S

I have talked about this Kopari gloss so much. It is my favorite lip gloss. I have these in bulk, in my house, my car and my handbags. I refuse to be without it.  It is made with Coconut Oil, Vitamin E and Shea Butter. I absolutely recommend this product, it is so hydrating and smells like vanilla coconut naturally which is a bonus. 



L I P P E   B A L M

Drunk Elephant is one of my favorite skin care lines. They have so many great products that I use. But recently I discovered this Lippe Balm and you guys… it is so good! This Balm is so soft and goes on like butter and I’ve found that it lasts for several hours. I like wearing it under my glosses. This “chapstick” contains avocado, cranberry, and marula oils to deeply moisturize, while peptides help plump and provide definition of your lip line.



K O P A R I   S C R U B

This lip scrub is so good. It is made of sunflower and coconut oils plus uses shea butter to help hydrate and nourish. This scrub uses sugar to exfoliate and is packed with Vitamin A, C, D and E which helps lock in moisture. I like doing this every other night before I put on the sleeping lip mask. 



There you have it! I hope you found this to be helpful!  Chat soon!






Disclosure: The Stylin by Aylin website only links to and recommends products that Aylin truly believes in based on quality, comfort, or other positive traits and may earn advertising fees or other compensation by linking to online retailers.

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