Hi Friends! By popular demand my handbag review is finally live! I’m sharing lots more up close details on my IG stories so be sure to follow along here: @stylinbyaylin. There were a lot of requests for details on Tory Burch bags... so I ordered a bunch to share and will explain which ones I keep and which ones I will return and why.

It’s no surprise that great quality handbags are an investment. But the quality is so good that if you you treat them right they could last lifetime and longer! One one of the reasons I love Tory Burch is you get that amazing soft leather and quality craftsmanship with a High end designer like Saint Laurent or Chanel but at a fraction of the price. They are still an investment but one that is a little easier on the pocket book.  Take a look to see some designer and some more affordable options. 


T O R Y   B U R C H   H A N D B A G S

These bags no matter what color are all made of beautiful chevron-quilted leather and pretty gold logo hardware.  They have a structured silhouette that’s perfect for carrying essentials. These handbags all feature internal pocket and a zipper pocket to hold the essentials like lip gloss and a compact. They all vary in price and strap detail but they are all beautiful no matter which one you choose. Tory burch is one brand that I trust and will always but and one to watch for sales. Especially around the holidays. They are great as an everyday handbag with sizes that are perfect for travel! 



D E S I G N E R   H A N D B A G S

One of my favorite handbag designers is Chloe. I own several styles and love every one for different reasons. I have your every day handbag but one of my favorites is the Nile bracelet leather crossbody handbag.  The gold ring detail is so unique. It is both decorative and functional which I love. I also have the half moon size in black and it is the most beautiful addition to date night or party dresses. 

They are definitely investment pieces. But like Gucci, YSL, Chanel and Louis Vuitton they are going to last you forever as long as you take care of them. 



M O R E   A F F O R D A B L E   O P T I O N S

As much as I love my designer bags I also love to just have fun handbags that I use for travel or for just a season. One of my go to stores for affordable handbags is Sole society. They have such beautiful quality products and are almost always priced around $80 or less.

If you have your heart set on a designer bag but just don’t want to invest that much money then… I would try Amazon, Target, Zara, and Anthropologie. 


Thanks for stopping by! I hope you find this helpful. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want a closer look at any of these bags! 

Have a great day!





*The Stylin by Aylin website only links to and recommends products that Aylin truly believes in based on quality, comfort, or other positive traits and may earn advertising fees or other compensation by linking to online retailers.

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