If you love Prime day as much as I do…you’ve come to the right place. I have been looking at all of the items included in the sale this year and there are some great ones. A lot of the big ticket are electronics or home items like Alexa enabled devices or Nugget Ice Makers. I honestly use mine almost every day! I love this sale and Amazon in general because they sell everyday household items, designer labels and more affordable options in similar styles.

They made this years sale a two day event… I’m also adding in a few of my favorite amazon sale finds, some of my go to Amazon items and all the items I’m purchasing today.  Some aren’t part of Prime day sale but the prices are always good! Now you have it all in one place! 

Have fun shopping the Amazon Prime Day Sale



Click Here




W H A T  I ‘ M   B U Y I N G   T O D A Y



M Y   A M A Z O N  M U S T   H A V E S



A M A Z O N   F I T N E S S   F I N D S

(click here to shop collage)





 B A M B O O  O R G A N I Z E R

(Click here to shop drawer organizers) 

This organizer is great for kitchen utensils, silverware and as a coffee and tea bag holder. It fits them perfectly and makes your kitchen look so put together.




A M A Z O N   B E A U T Y   F I N D S

(click here to shop the collage)





A M A Z O N   F A S H I O N   F I N D S

(Click here to shop this collage)




A M A Z O N   S T Y L E

(click here to shop this look)

This is a great everyday casual look for running errands. These joggers are so comfortable and come in several color options. 




A M A Z O N   HO M E   F I N D S

(Click here to shop this image)



N U G G E T   I C E   M A C H I N E

(Click here for shop ice makers)

This ice machine is amazing! It’s the perfect ice for cocktails too. It has a separate water reservoir that can be tucked in a corner away from the machine. This is included in the prime sale and is $100 off!




F A S H I O N   F I N D S

(Click here to shop collage)




E Y E   M A S K

(Click here to shop masks)

This eye mask is one of my favorites! I have several to make sure I never have to go without. They are great for travel but just for every night sleep.  It’s so comfortable and I sleep so great with it on. Also, these travel bags are so good! They keep me so organized. (Click here to shop travel bags)




A M A Z O N   K I T C H EN 

(Click here to shop this image)




A M A Z O N   L U G G A G E

(Click here to shop all luggage)

Just got this bag in the mail. It’s so good.  You can get a single or a set of two and it comes in multiple color options. 




A M A Z O N   P R I M E   D A Y   E L E C T R O N I C S

(click here to shop the collage)



A I R   F R Y E R

(Shop all air fryers)

This air fryer is such a game changer 


Hope you snag some good items at a great price on Prime day!!






*The Stylin by Aylin website only links to and recommends products that Aylin truly believe in based on quality, comfort, or other positive traits and may earn advertising fees or other compensation by linking to online retailers.


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