Stylin By Aylin turns 2 ♥


Stylin by Aylin turns TWO and I’m so incredibly grateful for YOU!!


My very first blog post was exactly 2 years ago today!

To be honest I had no idea what the heck I was doing.

I didn’t even know what a fashion blogger really did?

Well fast forward 2 years and I’m beyond blessed to call this blog my job, my passion, and a way I can help others.  There would be no joy in this journey if you were not part of it.

So thank you from the bottom of my heart! ♥


(Last year I told part of my story that I would love to share again…)

To be very honest prior to my blog I had lost a part of who I once was. There were days I would feel depressed not knowing why…those bad feelings would then turn into huge guilt. After some soul searching I came to realize that I had lost my creative side and as a result had lost my identity. Now having this blog and being able to inspire and help people through using my creativity has been life changing. It has made me a better mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend. So I sincerely thank you sooo much for your support, emails, likes, comments and for following the journeys that are yet to come. It means more to me than you’ll ever know ♥


One of the 2 questions I get asked a lot from followers is… How I got to where I am today?  And tips for those starting their own blogs.   Sharing my answers 1-5 below….

1. CONSISTENCY:  Keep at it!  Even when you feel like quitting and are down and out (I’ve wanted to quit many times).  I even took months off in the beginning because I let the fear of “worrying what people think about me” take over.  I have some great tips to help with that subject that I will write a blog post on that soon…  “If you are persistent, you will get it.  If you are consistent, you will keep it”


2.GRATITUDE:  “Never let the things you WANT make you forget about the things you HAVE”.   Being thankful is something I practice daily, multiple times a day, especially around my kids.   I have a gratitude journal that I write in weekly.  It has changed my life.  It is also nice to pick up and read on those days I feel down.  A wonderful reminder for all the things to be grateful for.   I truly believe that all the wonderful things, opportunities, travels, collaborations that have happened the past 2 years is because of this practice.


3. STAY POSITIVE:  “Stay optimistic.  When it rains look for rainbows.  When it’s dark look for stars.”  One thing I’ve learned recently is to try your best to NOT be DISAPPOINTED when something fails or doesn’t go how you planned.  I’m a perfectionist so this has always been a big struggle for me.  But now instead of being disappointed I take whatever situation as a learning experience.  Ok…that ended up sucking… but I accept it for what it is, learn from it (how to be better next time)…then “turn the page” …as my grandpa would always say ♥.  Once you have the fear of disappointment out of your head you won’t even believe what a difference that will make in your motivation to pursue your dreams!

Go for it!!!


4. HELPING OTHERS:  This is the most important one for me.  I’ve been so lucky to pursue my dream job of being a wardrobe stylist, working one on one with clients this past year.  To be able to do what I love and help someone feel more confident about themselves is so fulfilling to me.  And to be able to do the same and help you via Stylin by Aylin makes me so incredibly happy I can’t even express my thanks to you for following along!  My tip for new bloggers:  Before you hit Publish or Post…ask yourself “how will this help others”.  Add rich content and tips that will help your followers.  I recently wrote a post on what helps me in times of insecurity which touched on helping others… you can see that blog post here.  



5. BE YOU:   Let you shine!  It’s soooo hard to please everyone.  I tried that in the beginning because I really wanted everyone to like me.  Well that was so exhausting that it literally debilitated me from moving forward.  The only way out…is to have ACCEPTANCE.  Acceptance that not everyone is going to like you and your style.  Once you stop fighting it and accept it…your true self will shine through and you’ll be amazed at all the wonderful, positive people you will attract.


Little about me:  I would say I’m an outgoing introvert but sometimes an extravert (if that makes any sense…lol).  I never take myself too seriously.  I’m a hard worker but I also love to be lazy. Married 12 years to the man of my dreams.  My mission in life is to make my kids laugh. I love Bravo TV. I’m obsessed with taking pics of flowers. I love disneyland.  I want a Pomeranian. I love tennis.  I would say I’m kinda weird.  Wind mustaches are great.  Family is number one.  I Love my friends to pieces.  Love you too ♥

Thank you for reading!

xx, Aylin


Would love to hear from you… Please email me if you have any questions or just want to say hi!




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