We are half way through the week and that much closer to the weekend…yay! If there’s one thing our family loves to do, it’s hit snooze and sleep in for a few more minutes…a few more times. This can make back to school mornings  even more challenging than it already is. Well I’m soooo excited to share today’s post with you! I’m sharing our families survival guide to help make your mornings a little less stressful this school year. So feel free to hit the snooze button one more time!




O U T F I T   P L A N N I N G 

I don’t know about you but I have two picky dressers on my hands. Picking out clothes and arguing back-and-forth has been such a stress in the mornings and takes up way too much time. We found that selecting outfits the night before is so helpful. One thing that is fun and really helpful when planning their outfits is to check the weather forecast on my phone.  That helps us gather any jackets, rain gear etc that might cause us to be late if we’re scrambling to find them in the morning. 



L U N C H   P R E P

 Packing the kids lunches the night before is so helpful! Realistically it does not happen for us every night but on the nights that I do pack their lunches I definitely am less stressed and more easy-going the following morning. Plus that time can be spent making a nice healthy breakfast for us all.



M E A L   P R E P   H A C K 

I’ve been guilty of purchasing lunchables from time to time.  But I know deep down that they are overly processed and not healthy. They also add up and are not that cost efficient. One thing that has helped us a lot is to use snack sized Ziplock bags. Sunday nights,  I prep them for the entire week. I’ll have pepperoni or turkey slices in one, cheese slices in the other, etc. They are now easy to grab from the fridge and throw into the lunch bag. Also having washed fruits and vegetables already cut up and stored in a Tupperware container in the fridge helps tremendously when packing the kids lunches. It’s also a great after school snack!  



T I M E R   C U B E

The little cube timer is a game changer. It’s called a productivity timer and it really helps to keep us on track. For example, we will need to leave the house for school in 15 minutes so I will flip the cube to the 10 minute timer so we don’t need to worry about being late or losing track of time. Then when the timer goes off we have enough time to put our dishes in the sink, grab our shoes then we’re out the door. Usually with a minute or two to spare. Another time saver is getting all of these items from Walmart! From kids clothing, Groceries, Back to School supplies, and Backpacks! You can even order online and pick them up all ready and waiting for you. Such a life saver on those busy days! 




We are definitely a music loving family. I believe that music can change your mood, attitude and overall happiness. When I was growing up…every Sunday my mom would make pancakes and my dad would turn on the four seasons classical music. Such great memories of my childhood and I love putting on classical music for my kids while we have pancakes. On school mornings I will turn on something more upbeat. We love black eyed pea‘s and of course Alexa’s top hits. Music starts the day on such a positive note and definitely helps to wake me up…& coffee! lol. 



H O M E W O R K   H A B I T S

Last year we started implementing a rule that Homework gets completed as soon as they get home from school.This has been such a game changer too. We get the homework done while they have a snack and then we don’t need to worry about it for the rest of the day and especially there’s no last-minute homework that needs to be done in the mornings. But of course like any of these tips we slip from time to time and to be completely honest sometimes more often then we should…LOL. 

You may already do a few of these morning hacks but if not then I hope the ideas help!

Have a great day and I’ll chat soon!




P.s. A big thank you to Walmart for collaborating on this post! Everything I share, as always, are my own thoughts and opinions.

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