The past couple weeks have been a big mix of emotions.  However, I am happy that we have each other!  The most important thing is for everyone to stay safe and healthy. I hope that my blog and IG will give you a place to find inspiration. I also hope it helps bring a smile and an escape from it all. 

So many are staying home and that means a lot of us, like myself, will be working from home. Some of you may not have a home office. Which is why I thought you may be interested in a few items that I have found helpful through the years. 

Also, I am going to include a few comfortable outfits that still make you feel put together and in a productive mood. 

S T A Y   C O Z Y


S M A L L   D E S K S   &   C H A I R S




S T A Y   W A R M 


W O R K   F R O M   H O M E   T I P S

1. Create a schedule and try to stick to it. It is so easy to get distracted when you are at home but try to stay on track so you can accomplish all of your goals for the day at a decent time.  This productivity Timer is a game changer.  It has really helped me stay on task!

2. Get ready every morning even if you still put on cozy clothes because it makes a huge difference in your motivation.  Also, now is a great time to skip makeup so your skin can breath. I would recommend doing some face masks or treatments that you’ve been meaning to try. Working from home makes it so easy.

3. Find a space in your home where you can get a little privacy and not be interrupted all day if possible. When you are in direct sight of family members they are going to want to chat with you and ask you where everything in the house is. Lol.  I’ve been borrowing my husbands new office space.  It’s a room hidden from our main living areas so it’s nice and quiet.  

5. Make sure to take a few small breaks so you don’t get burned out. Maybe throw in a load of laundry, do the dishes or take a quick walk to the mailbox. This helps break up the day so you aren’t completely fried at night. 

6. Try and be as productive as possible during the day so you can stop working at a normal hour. If you don’t then you will end up working so late and get burnt out. Work will also start to spill into family time which is not good. I’m super guilty of this.  Especially now I’m having a hard time focusing on tasks.  Partially because I’m taking on home school teacher and I’m stressed out with all the sad news going on around the world.  

Personally I need to work in silence in my own to be the absolute most productive I can be. But I know a lot of you may work in noisy office buildings so you may be used to and even need background noise. If that’s the case I have the best easy listening playlist on Spotify….click here to listen




I hope you are safe and stay healthy and know that we are all in this together!

Please let me know if there is anything you need me to search for or have any ideas on what I can share to help you. 






*The Stylin by Aylin website only links to and recommends products that Aylin truly believes in based on quality, comfort, or other positive traits and may earn advertising fees or other compensation by linking to online retailers.

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