**Vulnerable Post**
I just wanted to take a moment to say how very grateful I am for you. Thank you for following along, for reading my blog, for the feedback, messages, emails and most of all for letting me be me.
When I first started blogging I was honestly terrified of so many things. What would people think of me? What was I doing? Was I a bad mom? Was I not a good friend? The weirdest part for me was posting pictures of myself, lol. especially because at the time I had no idea what a fashion blogger really was? And I also was not a huge social media “sharer”..even on my personal ig page.
If anyone else is in the same situation of doubting yourself or worried what others think of you, I have one bit of advice that has really helped me. That advice is : PURPOSE. Once I got out of my own head…and really questioned “WHY am I doing this”…everything changed. For me it was realizing that I had this creative part of me that could help others. Every time you see one of my instagram posts, stories, blog posts, newsletters etc… I have thought to myself “how will this help others”. If I don’t see any value add to the post I will NOT publish it. Once you come from a place of helping others you will begin to minimize the voices in your head telling you all the doubts and worries.
I hope this helps and makes sense? I’m planning to write a longer post on this topic of “self doubt & getting out of our own ways”. I would love to hear if you have any specific questions or ideas I can add to that upcoming post??? Let me know here: aylin@stylinbyaylin.com
A big congratulations to @saysableu for winning!!
Thanks to everyone who entered!
I truly wish I could have picked ALL OF YOU…so with that I decided to host another one this week!!
Stay tuned, can’t wait!…. xx
Thank you so much for stopping by!