You make me Happy when skies are grey


I’m so excited to share todays post with you!  It’s so much about why I blog and why I started this journey.   

Today I’m teaming up with Hunter Boots to share “3 easy ways to brighten up a cloudy day!”  

In a nutshell it’s when Fashion meets our State of Mind.


#1  Wear your playful rainboots

One of my favorite combos is when great style meets function.  That’s exactly what I love about these Hunter boots!  Once the skies get grey and the rain starts to fall they are the first shoes I grab and then it’s off to Play!    

“Happiness is NOT dodging any rain puddles”   #rainstartsplay



#2  “Wear a bright lip”

It’s an instant mood lifter and an easy way to brighten up your overall look!  From a shiny gloss to a matte finish…go with whichever gives you the most confidence.  I’m wearing Mangrove by Mac and love how it ties into the red border on my Hunter boots…it’s all about the details.  Bonus:  It also adds sophistication and happiness to your overall vibe.  #RainStartsPlay 



#3 Buy yourself a bouquet of fresh flowers

 Whether you’re single or in a relationship everyone deserves beautiful flowers from time to time.  Maybe you just got a promotion at work, finally paid off a credit card, cleaned out your closet…or finished the laundry.   However big or small the accomplishment don’t forget to celebrate the wins in life.  It is so important.  By doing this your subconscious mind is going to remember that there is a reward so you will work even harder for the next task.   #RainStartsPlay




Thank you so much for stopping by today!  

I hope this post will make you Happy when skies are Grey ♥ ♥ 



*Thanks to my partner @Hunterboots 



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